Orion Money will IDO on DAOMaker to reDeFine Stablecoin Banking

Orion Money
4 min readSep 14, 2021


Orion Money is accelerating its vision of becoming a cross-chain stablecoin bank

Orion Money is incredibly excited to announce a launch of $ORION token via Strong Holder Offering (SHO) with one of the leading players in the tech governance and launchpad industry, DAO Maker.

Orion Money will become the first Terra ecosystem project to launch on Ethereum, demonstrating the momentum of Orion Money as we build out our dApps and generated over $73,000,000 in stablecoin TVL.

We will announce the Orion Money research page and whitelist for DAO Maker SHO as well as more IDO news within a few next days. Follow our Twitter and join Telegram group and DAOMaker for more.

What is Orion Money

Orion Money’s vision is to become a cross-chain stablecoin bank providing seamless and frictionless stablecoin saving, lending, and spending. Within the Orion Money stablecoin bank, we will have three main products — Orion Saver (already developed and live with $70M+ TVL), and upcoming Orion Yield and Insurance, and Orion Pay.

Orion Saver is Orion Money’s native savings protocol, allowing users on other blockchain networks to easily access Terra chain attractive stablecoin deposit yields without leaving their networks or performing any swaps. With Orion Saver users can deposit their Ethereum stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, BUSD, DAI, and FRAX and receive 15–25% APY depending on the amount of ORION tokens staked. (Current APY rates 13.5%+ and will be increased post-TGE)

Even with the current savings rates, Orion Saver provides its users with the highest rates for stablecoin savings comparing to other DeFi and even CeFi platforms. But the best thing is that Orion Saver rates are fixed and not changing daily unlike on many DeFi platforms where the rates change every day depending on the borrowers’ loans utilization.

Product roadmap and big plans

You can read about Orion Money’s tokenomics and more details about the protocol in the Lite Paper. But here we just would like to highlight that Orion Money is not just a savings solution — Orion Money plans to become the best place in crypto for stablecoins holders — to get a safe and secure yield of 20–25% APY in the DeFi environment, and get even higher variable yield, native insurance policies, and fiat on- and off-ramps with debit cards.

Please see below Orion Money product roadmap:

We will publish an announcement for a DAOMaker whitelist and allocation within a few next days, so stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and Telegram to be the first to hear about our latest news!

Join Orion Money for a space ride!

About DAO Maker

DAO Maker is solidifying itself as the go-to incubator in the crypto space. They help kick-start projects by helping them build a community through social mining and omnipresent exposure, and although their main function is fundraising, they also specialize in marketing and provide advisory for projects that partner with them. Individual investors can use the funding platform to invest directly in the equity and tokens of emerging blockchain projects such as Vent Finance. So far the projects that have launched on DAO Maker have a market cap of $6.8B — an astonishing feat.

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About Orion Money

Orion Money is developing the best place in crypto for stablecoin holders to access safe and secure yields of 20–25% APY in a DeFi environment, as well as to attain even higher variable yield, native insurance, and fiat on- and off-ramps with debit cards. Our first product, Orion Saver, is already live at app.orion.money and has $70,000,000+ TVL.

To learn more about Orion Money, visit its social networks below:

Website | Twitter| Telegram | Telegram Announcements | Blog | Orion Money Litepaper



Orion Money

Orion Money's vision is to become a cross-chain stablecoins bank - the best place in DeFi for stablecoin saving, lending, and spending. Check www.orion.money